Hawaiian Islands

Help us pay for our flight from San Francisco to Honolulu

To stay seven nights in luxury, we need your help!

So we can get around Oahu with ease

Roasted pig and hula dancing

Help us take a 2-hour surfing lesson on Waikiki Beach!

We'll explore Seven Pacific Island villages on 42 acres

Dinner at the the famous Roy's restaurant in Honolulu

3-course dinner and cocktails aboard the award-winning Star of Honolulu

We'll paddle over coral heads and marine life to twin islands bird sanctuary

We'll hike to a hidden valley and waterfall and snorkel at famous Hanauma Bay

A tour of USS Arizona Memorial and Pearl Harbor

Help us pay for a seven-day interisland cruise so we can see more of Hawaii!

We'll each have a 90 minute massage followed by a relaxing facial

Mai Tais on land and sea

Tell us what you would do!

We would love to donate to a local cause while traveling!